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The Basque press writes about the TPM in Laudio

Writer's picture: adminadmin

Updated: Jun 14, 2020

Last October we had a visit from our Polish, Greek and Portuguese partners to start the project we will be working on in the following two years, A Nod to Our Heritage. We had a productive working week with many meetings that helped us agree on several issues essential to the project such as dates, tasks, etc..and we also agreed who will be in charge of the different activities we have ahead, the logo competiotion, the song, the traditional dances or mythology.

On the last day before leaving Laudio, we went to the office of a local newspaper and had a nice conversation with the journalists. This article we are showing you now is the summary oif the dialogue we had and it is written in our language, Basque.

We think we can say this was a nice, profitable and enrichening meeting where, after several months of working together online, we could finally meet and work together face to face. We worked a lot and learnt lots of things in the meetings but we could also enjoy Sergio Escribano and Saint Lucy, Vitoria-Gasteiz and its beautiful Cathedral, the "txoko" experience and a day out in Bilbao.

In spite of the bad weather and a snowy Sunday in the Añana Salt Valley, this was a great time with great people who share many things even if they live far from each other. See you soon!!


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