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Scratch programming for NOH

Writer's picture: adminadmin

In the framework of the integration of the Erasmus + project "A nod to our heritage" in the school's curriculum and specifically in the ICT course, 9th grade students of 1o GYMNASIO ACHARNON created quizes, stories and games using the SCRATCH programming language. The students who had participated in the pressing of the grapes for the preparation of wine, one of the most traditional Greek products, at the school premises, in October 2018, chose to create Scratch programs on the subject of wine. Created by Eleni Roumelioti

Created by Isidora Stavropoulou

Created by Maria Charalampidoy

Created by Alexandra Grimeki

Created by Michalis Stamos

Created by Spiros Sidiropoulos

Createb by Evangelia Pavlou


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