It is a popular traditional festival that takes place in different parts of the Basque Country, but only in the case of Santa Agata, in the early 20th century. Since the last decade of the 20th century all ages groups have been taking part. Catch Agata Catana, Sicily, was born in 235. As tradition suggests, Quincy governor did not marry her, but Agatha didn’t want him to be imprisoned as a vengeance. She suffered severely from torture and death. Thereafter, the Catholic Church appointed her as saint and chose February 5th to honor her.
Zorion, etxe hontako denoi!
Oles egitera gatoz,
aterik ate ohitura zaharra
aurten berritzeko asmoz.
Ez gaude oso aberats diruz,
ezta ere oinetakoz.
Baina eztarriz sano gabiltza,
ta kanta nahi degu gogoz.
Santa Ageda bezpera degu
Euskal Herriko eguna,
etxe guztiak kantuz pozteko
aukeratua deguna.
Santa maitea gaur hartu degu
gure bideko laguna.
Haren laguntzaz bete gentzake
egun hontako jarduna.