This is a celebration dedicated to the Basque language which is spoken in the
Basque Country. This celebration takes place every year the 3rd of December. The
official name is “Euskararen Nazioarteko Eguna”(ENE). The origin of this
celebration is the death of San Francisco Javier. Francisco was dead on the 3rd of
December, 1552 and his last words before dying were in Basque. Some people say
that the euskera (Basque language) is part of the heritage of the Basque society, a
component in its history and culture. With this celebration we want to open the
future to the “euskera” and this way it will remain and it will have a lot of influence
in our society. Nowadays it's celebrated in the Basque Country, Navarre and in the
Basque-French Country. This year in our region it has been celebrated in Orozko,
with several games and a lunch.
Today the ENE was celebrated at our school so we gathered together and
recorded a video in which we say several things about our language. One by one,
each one of the students who belong to our group has said what Euskara means
to them or why they think it is an important part of our heritage.